Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tired o' dis shit. Also, Justin Beiber is a fag. No offence to fags anywhere

Without end can I talk about the marvels of the human experience. I can talk anyone's face off about how absolutely awesome

life is. How awe-inspiringly beautiful nature and the world are. The human being has INFINITe possibilities in this world. Determined only by their imagination, the world you live in is. Ultimate freedom exists, its' A reality. And it's an inifinetly intricate experience, a fully realised body and mind travelling through the world, forging a path in history with infiite powers. Only when people realise how unbearably precious this is will people realise. Only then will they realise what a tragedy it really is to have one's freedom and rights repressed by a person or people. The ridiculousness that rights and freedoms of those around you (loved ones, etc.) are determined by a group of people is superceded only by the fact that their supposed supremacy over us is determined by nothing more than the stocks they hold in their name. The value of their estate. The net worth of their fat cat. Only for these reasons, themselves being nothing but a sum total of the quantity of asses kissed, hands shaken and promises made (and broken), are they corporate moguls sitting on bags of cash and wads of power. It is a trail of lies that litters their path of secretive maneuverings, not spiritual milestones. And this makes them great? This means they get to decide who lives how? Something is not right here. They are dead inside and that is why they control the world. So someone would give a damn. And how is it impossible that they not stop there? If the myriad of despicable things they've done so far, the repression of knoledge, the disconnection of truth from the media, the floridation of the water, the in-corporation of the world, is all for a reason and it has not affected their abilities to sleep at night, what's to stop them from wanting full control? So let me ask you, what's so hard to buy about a story of a group of people owning the world, staging terrorist attacks to put the western world in a state of fear so they would willingly let the higher powers control their lives and invade their privacy for the sake of "security from the terrorists". A means to hike prices and rob humanity of it's humanity so they can't fight back. All you have to remember is that the human being is a spiritual being, with a creative and imaginative mind that needs to be free and to exercise just like the body does, so you will realise that the suppression of free human beings as we intrinsically are on this planet, -natural, not separate from what goes on in the world, being an organism just like the plants and animals who work in harmony to keep this planet running smoothly, - do we see that the suppression of the human will cannot be afforded to proceed.

Free your mind. That is how one person makes a difference.

Don't you wonder what the next paradigm will be? It may be just that, one of wonder.

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