I hope, that while you're reading this, you aren't being made to do something unsavory. Pause for a second! Are you skinning a cat right now? Are you stuffing your loved one with cotton candy? Are you doing anything out of the ordinary for you? It is possible, right now, for you to become entrapped and affected to do just about anything, because the human being is under threat from the devices he loves. The Television and many other electronic devices (audio devices included) can be altered to affect the human physiology. Which is just abuot anything. By defenition includes anything from inducing a mild trance, a deep rested and accepting state, to seizures, heart attacks and mood changes. This is BIG NEWS. Televisions and electronic devices are a huge part of our lives, they surround us and we rely on them for a large part of our communications and information needs. We don't go to the library anymore, we go to the internet to study. Learning comes from a screen now, in classrooms, in bus stations, everywhere. Think for a second, if this is true, then we are extremely vulnerable. Read it here, for yourself (you don't need me to tell you, you're a free human, figure it out for yourself) and imagine what it means for us. Imagine being at home, watching TV, and disaster strikes, just like it did on 9/11. There is an outbreak of Ebola or some other terrible disease, and they tell you to stay at home. Now, an individual who possesses common sense, he can look at this and say, "wait, is this the right course of action to take? CAN I trust these people. Let's just hold a minute here... " and processes his rational thoughts.
However, if this patent is enacted to utilise secret messages and control ANY aspect of the human physiology, an individual who possesses common sense, could have no use of it. It could be hijacked, and they could be held in their chair while untold injustices are done to their fellow man. They could use it to hypnotize you so easily, that you would not even know what happened. That's why this information needs to get out there, as soon as possible to as many people as possible. What does this mean for human development and evolution if our entire being can be hijacked by someone who simply amps up the flicker rate on your tv. It means our destinies are not our own! If there is someone who can directly influence you without your knowledge or control or rational thought-processes, for that matter, within a matter of seconds to convince you to possibly commit horrible acts, we are not free. What we do have is freedom of speech.
And that freedom is the one to be defended and utilised as much as possible in these changing tides of technology and knowledge. We are being awakened to something for a reason, and that is in large part so we can awaken others. So I implore you, everyone who reads this, please ask at least one person what they think about this. And tell them the patent exists.
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