Sunday, February 27, 2011

TV pulse screens.. FOR EVERYONE!!!!

So... it turns out they can now hypnotize you through the television and through the computer monitor. It doesn't take much for a television screen to flicker at an unusual rate. And said rates are the ones that put human beings - subconscioiusly- into a hypnotic state. I say that I believe this, because I'm watching apocalypse now, which, yes, I pirated because I don't believe the film industry requires my hard-earned money, preferring to use it for other, more necessary things which will enrich my life more. So i'm watching the film and i start to feel nauseous. These things have been known, for example in Japan, during a pokemon episode, thousands of children suffered convulsions. Kids that weren't even epilepticly inclined. Apparently it was a "test" to do with a flicker of light during the show, but they'd since removed it. Kids suffered conflusions! And got hurt!  This could be doing anything from making you want to puke (what happened to me. I NEVER puke, except when heavily under the influence of alchohol. And I tell you. I did not feel like I was not  going to puke...

It could be making you tired, sleepy, it could be hypnotizing you to watch more TV, and that's not something most people need. You ever find yourself getting up off the sofa or out of your chair and realising what time it was, and dropping your jaw as a result? Well, that could be for a reason. It's all up hhere, at 11:55 where the patent is actually physically shown (13:17). Hard on paper. So is that freedom? what do we do now, keep watching tv? I need my computer for things! It's messed up. I don't like it. TO THE GLOBALISTS! I'm sorry, guys. It's over. People are getting wise to this.

I hope this information you will spread. Considering if I was your loved one, I would want you to let me know if I was being hypnotised beyond my knowledge, too.

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